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David Santos - Success Story

healthy lifestyle healthy miami mealprepping paleo diet paleo miami

As a kid, David Santos loved playing soccer. He stayed fit by practicing twice a week and playing games nearly every Saturday. But, at 15, he aged out of his youth soccer league and stopped playing altogether. Although he had always been fit and had recently began developing an interest in bodybuilding, his eating habits were less than desirable. 

"I wanted to look good, but I never really ate how I should have to look good," he says. "I just let myself go. At 17, I stood at 6'2" tall, weighed 250 pounds, and was very overweight."

David started CrossFit at 18 and became "obsessed with being skinny." He eventually got down to 185 pounds, but he had no muscle definition. After sticking with CrossFit, he eventually gained muscle and grew stronger, weighing in at 225 pounds. Around that same time, his gym had a two-month "lean and mean challenge." That's also when a friend referred him to Healthy Xpress meal plans. 

"They were always promoting meal plans at my gym, and someone referred me to Healthy Xpress," David says. "I started with their paleo program and in two months lost an amazing 20 pounds. I felt great, and I won the challenge."

After taking a break from the Healthy Xpress program, he gained back several pounds, explaining that he didn't know how to eat well. So, he returned to Healthy Xpress and began the Athlete Balanced Meal Plan. His starting weight was 212 pounds, and in two weeks he lost seven pounds of fat. 

"I've honestly never felt better than I do now on the Athlete Meal Plan," David says. "I can't wait to see how I do this 2016 open. I feel energized, stronger, and better with my metabolic conditioning. And I know if I keep doing this, it will only get better, performance-wise and aesthetically. Thank you Healthy Xpress!"

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