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Why providing free meals to employees is beneficial to your business

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As a business owner myself I am thankful we have been able to provide healthy meals during this pandemic to our staff and their families. This has been a stress reliever for them as they have not needed to go to the supermarket many times, which avoids having much physical contact with other people outside their families. This has prevented them from getting sick and they have been able to keep producing meals for all of our clients.  

Below are additional reasons why we as business owners, managers and CEO's should definitely consider purchasing healthy meals for our employees, even if your employees are working from home. 

Reduces Physical Contact - during COVID-19 era it is very beneficial for your employees to remain at the office and avoid social contact with people from outside the office. This will reduce the unnecessary risk of having more contact with other people.

Efficiency while working from home - Providing meals to your employees who work from home allows them to have a peace of mind that they have their lunch ready. This will not distract them from their workplace duties and it will take them less than 30 minutes to have their lunch. Productivity will increase as they will always have a healthy option and therefore not get the mid-day slump due to over-eating or consuming an unhealthy option high in carbs or processed foods.

Healthier workforce - if your employees eat healthy they will have a better immune system, which will mean they will probably miss fewer days. Not only will it increase productivity, provide a better overall experience at the workplace but your health insurance should be lower.

Tax Benefits -  Usually the money a company spends on lunches is often tax deductible, click here for more info. Apart from all of the additional benefits you will gain for having a healthier employee, you can also deduct it from your taxes. 

Furthermore, giving employees this benefit will increase employee happiness. They will appreciate their workplace more as they will have now more time without worrying what to eat for lunch, they will save money daily and they will appreciate their job that cares about their health. 

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