Delivery Bag & Cooler Deposit
There is a Partial Refundable $30 for delivery in our Healthy Xpress Cooler bags so we can keep them clean and fresh for your deliveries. PLEASE LEAVE BAGS OUTSIDE NIGHT BEFORE OR BEFORE 6AM ON DAYS OF DELIVERY TO ENSURE PICK UP.
- Refund of $20 occurs when customer has returned 4 out of 5 bags/ice packs on last delivery day. Please return bags on Tuesday & Thursday delivery. This is your maximum refund please let us know you are not continuing service via email . You have 6 months after your last delivery to request refund.
- Refund of $10 occurs if customer requests pick up of bags after last delivery is done. No exceptions! If we send a driver to pick up bags refund will only be $10.
- Refund of $0 occurs if customer keeps more than 1 bag/ice pack after last delivery day and does not request pick up bags. We will bill $10 per bag customer kept after service